Books with Rhyme, Rhythm and Repetition
Books with rhyme, rhythm and repetition play a very important role in teaching children to read.
All three aspects lend themselves to a great deal of interactivity for you and your child.
We’re spoilt for choice when it comes to books featuring rhyme, rhythm and repetition so here are some of our favourites:
Dear Zoo Pop-up Book

Dear Zoo uses rhythm, repetition and prediction with excellent effect.
The story is enhanced by pop -up animals which are cleverly hidden behind flaps.
Your child will be able to predict what is behind each flap before they lift it to reveal the answer.
‘‘I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet.
They sent me an…’‘

“He was too big!
I sent him back.
So they sent me a…

He was too fierce!
I sent him back.”
Your child will revel in the reading experience as they make their journey through the book AND there is a fabulous surprise pet at the end.
The Goat that Gloats
The Goat that Gloats utilises rhyme with excellent effect!
Goat loved to gloat! In fact, his favourite pastime was gloating about his possessions.
He gloated about everything from his tower with a bubble-bath moat to his fast car and fabulous boat!

The thing is …no one likes a show-off!
“What a WONDERFUL friend I would make!”
Bragged the goat.
“I’ve a throne in a tower and a bubble-bath moat.”
Goat soon learns his lesson!
This story is great for shared reading with your child. The repetition will help them to quickly grasp the gist of the story.
This book comes with a set of free downloadable resources. These resources create excellent opportunities for discussion about friendships and the importance of considering other people’s feelings
We’re going on a Bear Hunt
We’re going on a Bear Hunt is the story of a family’s day out in the wilderness.
What brave souls they are!
The story contains rhythm and repetition galore!
“We’re going on a bear hunt.
We’re going to catch a big one.
What a beautiful day!”

It’s a great story to either read individually with your child or with a group of children.
As if the stomping rhythm is not enough, the story is peppered with action-inducing onomatopoeia.
“Swishy Swashy!
Swishy Swashy!
Swishy Swashy!“
Children will want this story read to them over and over again!
Fox on a box
Fox on a Box is part of the ‘Phonics Readers’ Series from Usborne .
Each book in the series has been developed in consultation with language experts and utilises synthetic phonics-based text to develop children’s reading ability.
Fox in a Box tells the story of a hungry fox who uses a box to get within touching distance of a range of delicious delights.
Alas each attempt fails !!
The story utilises rhyme and gives children ample opportunity to be able to sound- out their words.
“Hungry Fox spots a box.
Hungry Fox hops onto the box.
He tries to reach….a peach.”
Fold-out flaps make reading the story an interactive reading experience and creates ample opportunities for discussion e.g. anticipating what happens next.
Each Peach Pear Plum
Each Peach Pear Plum contains the perfect blend of rhyme, rhythm and repetition!
You and your child will embark on a journey of ‘I spy’ with familiar characters throughout the book.

“Mother Hubbard down the cellar.
I spy Cinderella.
Cinderella on the stairs I spy the Three Bears.”
This book is beautifully-illustrated and guaranteed to provide a highly-engaging and interactive reading experience for you and your child.
That’s not my Unicorn
That’s not my Unicorn is part of Usborne’s range of ‘That’s not my…’ touch and feel books.
Each book in the series was created in consultation with language experts and features bold illustrations and simple repetitive text.
“That’s not my unicorn…its hooves are too bumpy.
That’s not my unicorn…its tail is too furry.”
Your child will be able to interact with the book by being able to touch and feel the bumpy hooves and fury tail. A great way to experience the meaning of new words.
The Gruffalo
No self-respecting list of favourites about books based on rhyme, rhythm and repetition is complete without including The Gruffalo.
This story, of a mouse’s adventurous journey through the deep dark wood to meet the Gruffalo, is jam-packed with rhythm and rhyme!
“He has terrible tusks…
and terrible claws…
and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws.”
The classic story of The Gruffalo is guaranteed to give you and your child tons of reading fun!
What are your favourite rhyme, rhythm and repetition books?
Please share details in the comments below 🙂
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