Rainbow Fish to the Rescue (Book & Cassette Pack)


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Although his friends want to ignore the new striped fish in their midst, Rainbow Fish must decide whether to help him when a shark attacks.

EYFS Focus: Personal, Social & Emotional Development: Making Relationships & Managing feelings and Behaviour.
In this title, Rainbow Fish is part of a group which excludes another fish from joining their game of ‘flash tag’.
The fish is excluded because his scales are stripy and he does not have a sparkling silver scale like the others.
Rainbow Fish knows it is wrong to exclude the stripy fish but he is afraid to go against the opinions of his friends because they may also exclude him from their game.  
For parents & EYFS practitioners, this creates an excellent opportunity to explore similarities & differences at a level which children can relate to e.g. what makes these fish similar?  What makes them different? What makes you similar? What makes you different? It is also a chance to discuss peer pressure at a level which EYFS children can understand.
Rainbow Fish knows how it feels to be ‘left out’ when he remembers that he was once excluded from a group because he refused to share his scales. See  The Rainbow Fish (book & audio cassette pack)  
As the story progresses, Rainbow Fish persuades his friends to help save the life of the excluded fish when a shark threatened its life. Rainbow Fish and his friends then decide on a compromise to enable everyone to play where the colour of their scales did not matter.
This pack consists of an audio cassette (read by Blair Brown) and a board book.
Please allow 3-5 working days for delivery.


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