Story Time Collections

Story time is quality time! Whether it’s just before bedtime or at any other time of the day, reading stories with your child is a highly rewarding experience for both. Our story time range below will give you and your child hours of joyous escapism:
Just so Stories for little Children
This beautifully -llustrated Usborne book retells six classic Rudyard Kipling stories.
Stories in this collection:
- How the Elephant got his Trunk
- How the Leopard got his spots
- How the Rhinoceros got his skin
- How the Whale got his Throat
- How the Camel got his Hump
- Why the Kangaroo Jumps
These apocryphal stories, showing how some of nature’s most fantastic beasts acquired their key features, are sure to give your little ones hours of reading fun !
Topsy and Tim Story time collection
Fans of the Topsy & Tim twins will adore this collection. Five stories help to bring this pair’s character to life
Stories in this collection:
Topsy & Tim At the Farm – Topsy and Tim visit a farm with their mother. They are given the task of collecting eggs and feeding a calf. As if that’s not enough they get to see cows being milked and get chased by angry geese.
Topsy & Tim Meet the Fire Fighters – Topsy & Tim can’t hide their excitement while visiting Bellford Fire Station. They were invited there by a school friend’s dad who is a firefighter. They get to board a fire engine, take part in a ‘spot the fire risk’ activity and see where the firefighters practise putting out fires.
The icing on the cake is a ride around the grounds of the fire station in an appliance!
Topsy & Tim Visit the Park – Topsy & Tim had lots of fun in the park with their friend Kerry. They rode the swings, rode the see saw, headed down the slides and played with a ball. The only thing that threatened their fun was the appearance of a dog; albeit a friendly one.
Their visit to the park was rounded off with some yummy ice-cream.
Topsy & Tim look after their pets – This heart-warming story shows the twins caring for their pets; Tubby mouse, gold fish Sam & Roundabout and Wiggles the rabbit.
They have become experts at looking after their pets. So much so that their friend Josie asks them to look after her pet hamster Lily while she is on holiday.
Topsy & Tim: The new Baby- Topsy & Tim can’t wait to meet their friend Tony’s baby brother!
His name is Jack. They get to hold him and see him being fed, changed and bathed.
Each story in this book is beautifully illustrated and will give you and your child that warm glow !!
Charlie and Lola My First Ever and Best Story Collection !

Each story in this five –story collection is narrated by Charlie in his usual deadpan style and begins with the words ‘’ I have this little sister Lola. She is small and very funny..’’
Stories in this collection:
You can be my friend – Charlie and his little sister Lola are visited by Marv and his little brother Morten. Lola is looking forward to playing with Morten.
Charlie gives Lola the heads up that Morten’s favourite game is Round-and Round. Lola find the idea of playing round-and-round excruciatingly BORING!!
Would she be able to get Morten interested in playing anything else? Let the challenge begin…
Help! I Really Mean it ! – Lola likes to play tricks on her brother Charlie BUT she would soon learn that there may come a time when he would stop falling for her tricks….just when she really needs him.
Charlie and Lola are looking after their Granny and Grandpa’s cat; Caspar. As usual Lola loves to play and Charlie gives her the heads up that Caspar may not necessarily like playing her games.
Of course Lola chooses to ignore advice! Does Charlie choose to ignore her she shouts Help! I really mean it?
I CAN do anything that’s everything ALL on my own – Lola believes that she can do everything on her own. She can button up her own coat, pour her own milk, ride a see saw….yep she thinks she can ride a see saw on her own…..she soon sees sense.
Charlie is Broken – Charlie and Lola are practising for a circus act performance. They practise in the house and they practise in the park.
Unfortunately, Charlie broke his arm. Lola now thinks. CHARLIE IS BROKEN! Can he still take part in the circus performance?
Worry not, Lola has the perfect role for him.
I am really REALLY concentrating …Charlie and Lola are practising in the park for sports day with their friends Lotta and Marv. Lola isn’t fond of running but she’s prepared to give it a go by trying the three-legged race.
She’s even more fascinated by the octopus race…actually there is no such thing as the octopus race… she misheard when Charlie said ‘the obstacle race.’
And oh there’s the egg and spoon race. Of course Lola has found the perfect way to ensure she wins that race…she glues the egg to the spoon. Of course Charlie lets her know that is cheating!
He lets her know that all she has to do to win the egg and spoon race is to concentrate. Lola lets Charlie know that she is REALLY concentrating
Usborne Bedtime Stories for Little Children

Another fascinating five-story collection
Anyone familiar with the Usborne brand will know that all their books are beautifully-illustrated with story telling that is second to none.
Stories in this collection:
The Mouse’s Wedding –Father Mouse wants to find the perfect husband for his daughter Miss Mouse. He hopes to find the most powerful husband in the world but who could that be?
He turns to Mr Sun but Mr Sun felt that Mr Cloud was more powerful because he could cover him and stop him from shining. But Mr Cloud felt that Mr Wind was more powerful because he could blow him away. Mr Wind felt that Mr Wall was more powerful because he could stop him in his tracks. Mr Wall begs to differ…..but who could be the most powerful husband in the world?
The Reluctant Dragon – Dragon is happy living a peaceful quiet life until he is discovered by a shepherd’s son. The shepherd son’s curiosity got the better of him so he decided to set out to meet the dragon. Luckily the dragon was friendly and welcoming. He shared lots of enthralling dragon stories with the shepherd’s son. Soon enough villagers found out about the dragon and want blood….they send for George the Dragon Killer BUT could he bring himself to kill the dragon?
The Tortoise and the Eagle
Tortoise wasn’t very happy …he felt his life was BORING. Sitting on his log eating apples was no fun whatsoever. Being an eagle seemed so much more fun; being able to soar into the sky!!
He tried launching himself into the sky but of course that failed…he managed to persuade an eagle to take him for ride.
Would being an eagle be all it’s cracked up to be or should he be happy being a tortoise.
The Ant and the Grasshopper – It’s never too young to start appreciating life’s little lessons.!! Grasshopper relaxed in the sun while Ant worked hard to prepare for the inevitable winter.
Sure enough winter came and Ant was fully prepared but how did grasshopper survive?
The Owl and the Pussy Cat – This enchanting story is told using rhyme …Owl and pussy cat set sail for the open seas . Pussy cat is serenaded by Owl.
Pussy is so mesmerised by Owl’s singing that pussy proposed, Owl accepts but what would they do for a ring?
We hope you would enjoy the stories in our collection. Please let us know if there are any other story collections you share with your child.
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