Rainbow Fish & Friends: Hidden Treasures (Sticker Book)



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Miss Cultle the teacher asks all the other fish to bring a treasure in to school tomorrow for show- and-tell. Everyone is excited about sharing information about their most treasured piece. Unfortunately show-and-tell turns  mean-and-ugly!!!

Everyone is feeling hurt. Why? They cannot agree on what constitutes a treasure. This provides parents and EYFS practitioners with the opportunity to explore with children  the Personal, Social and Emotional Development topics of making relationships and managing feelings & behaviour at a level they can relate to.

This title makes an excellent counterpart to Rainbow Fish to the Rescue and The Rainbow Fish because characters in the book refer to events in which took place in those books. Children can also use their use their creative & imaginative skills to decorate the scenes in the book with their stickers.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Focus: Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Making Relationships) | Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Managing Feelings & Behaviour) | Literacy | Expressive Arts and Design (Being Imaginative)

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